When are taxes due?
Real Estate taxes are collected semi-annually, once in February or March and again in July or August. Taxpayers have the option of paying their entire bill at one time.
Have my taxes been paid?
Taxes paid over the counter are processed daily. Taxes paid by mail are usually processed within two days of receipt until the last week of collection. The daily entries are posted to the Auditor’s web site every night.
The Auditor’s web site is www.columbianacntyauditor.org
Can I write a personal check for payment of taxes?
Yes, made payable to the COLUMBIANA COUNTY TREASURER. Please include the parcel number in the memo portion of your check.
Can I pay my taxes by credit card?
Yes, click on “Payment Options” for more information
Can I have my taxes automatically deducted from my checking account?
No, but we hope to be able to offer this service in the near future.
Can I get a paid receipt for taxes sent by mail?
Yes, please send a self-addressed, stamped envelope along with the entire bill. We will stamp your portion of the bill, "Paid" and return it to you as soon as the payment has been processed.
How do I make an address change?
Ohio Revised Code 323.12, requires mailing address change
requests be made in writing to the Columbiana County Treasurer
105 South Market Street – Lisbon, OH 44432
I have several parcels and the bills came in separate envelopes. Can this be fixed?
Yes, we were aware this would happen with a newly automated system and very old mail files. We are in the process of making addresses consistent so they will be stuffed into one envelope. If you continue to receive multiple envelopes please notify our office.
I will be on an extended vacation when the tax bills are scheduled to arrive. Can my mailing address be temporarily changed?
Yes, we can change your address provided we receive a written request. Be sure to send a second request upon your return.
Can taxes be paid in advance?
Yes, Click on “Tax Pre-Payment” for more information.
I don’t agree with the value that has been placed on my property. What can I do?
You have the right to file a complaint with the Board of Revision by March 31st. Complaints are processed through the County Auditor’s office. Please call 330-424-9515 for assistance.
Can I get a reduction in my taxes if I am disabled or elderly?
Possibly, through the Homestead Exemption program. Applications and eligibility information are available through the County Auditor’s office. Please call 330-424-9515 for further information.
Can I appeal the late penalty fee?
Yes, you will need to file a complaint form and provide reasons why you do not feel the late fee should be assessed. Please call our office at 330-424-9514 for the form and additional instructions.